À propos de l'activité: The course is part of one of the working packages of the EU-funded project "Fight Organised Crime Against Light and Small Firearms" (FOCAL-SF) and it aims to transfer knowledge and provide all the theoretical skills within the operational dimensions of the National Firearms Focal Points - NFFPs
A qui s'adresse cette activité ?: Law enforcement officers from EU and non-EU countries (Portugal, Spain and Romania)
Que vaz-tu apprendre ?: Participants will acquire basic knowledge of trafficking in small arms and light weapons (SALW), as well as of the role and operation of the NFFP through three specific modules:
- Introduction to National Firearms Focal Point (NFFPs)
- Traceability of Firearms
- Open-Source Firearms Research
Combien de temps tu dois investir : 3 hours
Type de formation: Cours
Modalité: En ligne - autonome
Langue: Anglais
Principaux domaine thématique: Security, paix et développement
Institutions: FIIAPP, Guardia Civil of Spain, the Polícia de Segurança Pública of Portugal and the Poliția Română.
Options d'inscription: Personnel d'intervention/FIIAPP uniquement