À propos de l'activité: The conference serves as an exchange forum for public servants where some technical presentations regarding EU latest developments in State Aid and other current topics were delivered, including presentations by national and international experts, with practical sessions regarding difficulties that public servants dealing with State Aid frequently face
A qui s'adresse cette activité ?: Public servants, experts in State Aid, professionals interested in Single Market policies
Que vaz-tu apprendre ?: Latest developments in EU and Serbia, challenges and cooperation improvement, stakeholders’ perspectives, monitoring, reporting and nationals’ perspectives and awareness raising
Combien de temps tu dois investir : 2 hours
Type de formation: Séminaire/Atelier de formation
Modalité: En ligne - autonome
Langue: Anglais
Principaux domaine thématique: Développement économique
Institutions: Commission for State Aid Control, Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade, EU4IM project
Options d'inscription: Personnel d'intervention/FIIAPP uniquement. Option d'inscription ouverte avant l'acceptation de la coordination
Contact: ivan.majercak@eu4imserbia.eu