À propos de l'activité: Self-paced virtual training course on digital change management for public officials engaged in the Initiative for the Digital Government and the Cybersecurity in the Horn of Africa Project (IDGC)
A qui s'adresse cette activité ?: To strengthen the public administration of Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti. The course is addressed both to executives and government officials
Que vaz-tu apprendre ?: Change management methodologies in the public administration to adapt to digital transformation processes in the Horn of Africa region
Combien de temps tu dois investir : 3 hours
Type de formation: Cours
Modalité: En ligne - autonome
Langue: Anglais
Principaux domaine thématique: Numérisation et connectivité
Institutions: Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti
Options d'inscription: Personnel d'intervention/FIIAPP uniquement. Option d'inscription ouverte avant l'acceptation de la coordination
Contact: manuel.yubero@fiiapp.es / nicolas.murillo@fiiapp.es